Presentation skills: Have you got just one tip?

By Carolyn Crawford This issue of presenting comes up for almost everyone at some point or other. Even if you’re not involved in the corporate world where it’s a daily occurrence, there’s no avoiding it forever. So invariably I have friends at some poi ...

Presentation skills: TED commandments

For all you TED fans (Technology, Entertainment, Design Conference), and those yet to be converted, here are the instructions the TED organisers send their speakers to help them prepare. Great lessons for us all...... Thou Shalt Not Simply Trot Out ...

Communications skills: Virtual teams

By Carolyn Crawford This is a summary of some key communications themes from the book “Virtual Teams That Work” Edited by Cristina Gibson and Susan Cohen ( ). It’s an extremely th ...

Facilitation skills: Conference calls

By Carolyn Crawford According to a 2004 survey from Raindance Communications: 90% of people multitask while on conference calls; 70% do unrelated work emails, texts and instant messaging; and a bunch of folk are eating, muting to have side co ...