Problem Solving and Influencing Skills: Strengthening our least preferred thinking styles part 2 of 4

By Carolyn Crawford

Moving on from part 1 that focused on 'blue' thinking, here’s some suggested exercises for those of you keen to shore up your ‘green’ thinking skills.  I find it interesting as I go through the lists for each quadrant that I balk at the exercises designed to help me with my two least preferred thinking styles.  Those suggested for my two strongest thinking preferences I find easy, entertaining and amusing.  Again, if you try any out, let me know how you go.


  1. Plan a party from start to finish – develop timeline and conduct appropriate research; select guests and plan invitations process (rsvp, dress code, theme etc); menu (food and drinks); determine food and drink rations (per person); decorations, floral arrangements, favors and music; guest seating; clean up schedule.
  2. Wear a pedometer for a month – plot how many steps you walk each day and enter onto an Excel spreadsheet.  Draw 4 different charts and choose one that gives the best detail.
  3. Bake a chocolate soufflé
  4. Keep a food journal – record calorie intake and weight for 4 weeks
  5. Choose your outfits the night before.  Ensure matching everything and no creases, stains etc.
  6. Read manuals for new products and send in product registration and warranty.  Send also a recommendation to improve the clarity of the instructions
  7. When you next attend a training course: read training materials ahead of time; take detailed notes; go with questions beforehand; closely follow instructions of leader; each night import participant contact information into Outlook/smartphone or similar
  8. Create a filing system and process for paying, recording, and archiving your bills and records
  9. Create a regular schedule for computer updates and maintenance for your personal computer.  Be sure to include: data back up; virus scan; spam killer; and unused file deletion
  10. Create and follow a long-term training schedule for an endurance event like a marathon.
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